
What is a Fiduciary?

The caregiving and supporter role often arises out of crisis. A loved one becomes disabled, or worse, unexpectedly passes away. Itโ€™s natural for family members and friends to want to help, but itโ€™s also important to consider the legal obligations underpinning these roles. Defining โ€œFiduciaryโ€ Fiduciary roles often arise out of legal documents and relationships

What is a Fiduciary?

Power of Attorney: How to Avoid Abuse and Financial Exploitation

In estate planning, we often use Power of Attorney documents as a tool to plan for future incapacity. But with great power comes great responsibility. And power of any kind is easily abused. Thus, it’s important to carefully consider the legal effect and consequences of a Power of Attorney document. What is a Power of

Power of Attorney: How to Avoid Abuse and Financial Exploitation Read More ยป

Should I Sign an Affidavit?

A common question I receive in my probate practice is whether inherited property can be transferred with an affidavit. I often get this question from potential clients who have either been approached by a family member about signing one, or who scoured the Internet for advice on “how to avoid probate“. In Texas, we have

Should I Sign an Affidavit?

Insider’s Guide to Hiring an Attorney

I don’t know about you, but ever since we began this compulsory social distancing journey, my screen time consumption has increased dramatically! And between reading newsworthy articles, bingeing Netflix, and surfing social media, I have noticed an emergence of a new trend. “Crowdsourcing” legal advice First and foremost, I am seeing an uptick in “crowdsourcing”

Insider’s Guide to Hiring an Attorney

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